Going deeper on the subject of food addiction and other food disorders can be quite the controversial topic. In my opinion, I believe all girls develop a type of eating disorder around teen years but some aren't as severe as others. Some go away, some stay, and some become worse, which then leads to the take over of our bodies and identities. Its also a subject that as women we've become adjusted to hearing eat disorders as not being considered a disease. Its just a subject at a lunch play date with our friends.
"Omg why do I love sugar! Split the this brownie with me! Come on be fat with me!" Or "I'm going on a trip I'm not bikini ready! Guess ill pull an anorexia diet all this week!"
Its tossed around like salad (which you wished you had instead of that taco!) and we are completely okay with it. The fact that we as women are never satisfied with what we look like in the mirror and that everyday seems to be fight of will power to eat clean and try our hardest to not binge over dinner.
For the longest times I thought I was the only girl who suffered this daily battle. The battle of pretending them brownies weren't there and telling my self this salad was way better than the delicious pizza that other co worker was having. I'd go home and know that there was a box of gluten free vegan brownies in my kitchen. So I would say "Hey I was so good all day, ill just have one." Yeah right!! I would end up having the whole box!! Its almost as if I would have an out of body experience while eating the whole damn box. I was chewing and chewing and the first bites where heaven! I literally would have like orgasms eating what i thought could only be the best thing in life in that second. Then the awareness of what I
was doing was bad. I knew each brownie gluten free, vegan or not this babies where 200 calories each! Damn it!! But I wouldn't stop. I would keep eating. Eating till i couldn't eat anymore because my stomach was in so much pain! WTF!! Guilty and depressed were the feelings that followed. I was in this binging cycle for about two years. Last year was the year that i decided it was an issue i had to address. An issue that as much as I hated to think about was slowly taking control into more self afflicting actions. I did not want my daughter to see her mom suffer from an eating disorder. That WAS IT IT! Girls ask me how i stopped the binging? If i gone and got professional help of some sort. Which I recommend, But i didn't. I just looked at my daughter one day while she was playing outside pretending she was a princess and saw the innocence in her, the joy, the freedom she had to just live! I wanted that!! to be free! to not have food control my mood! To be free of the prison I had slowly build myself and was locking myself in, with no key to get myself out. I decided to take control.
So I instead of going to the computer and googling bikini meal plan, I google what kind of foods you should be eating daily. Guess what came up ? A list that could go forever. Guess what wasnt on that list? Process junk! So thats what im doing these days, staying away from the processed foods and just eating real food, wholesome food! Therefore I only cook and bake real food! Which I enjoy every bite of!
Everyday you should wake up with a plan on what your meals are going to look like. I hate prepping meals the night before so I do it early in the morning. Do what fits with your schedule. You will start cooking a lot after you have decided that you will be taking control from now on. You will enjoy this process. I did! I hated to cook at first and now it has really become a passion. While you are cooking tell yourself how amazing all these wholesome foods are going to taste and how amazing your body is going to feel. If i feel like eating more i do. But i no longer eat till i feel like throwing up! If I want to eat something sweet I eat fruit. Its the gluten free low carb fat free brownies that make you fat, not fruit! Through out the day you want to tell yourself how great it is to eat healthy. To drink plenty of water instead of soda. Enjoy those little minutes of gulping water. The refreshing feeling of hydrating you body. You are sending your body new and improved thinking waves! You are reprogramming your brain to seek pleasure and feeling of reward for eating healthy. Your mind is in control not your body urges.
Remember that sweet tooth or that chip addiction is much deeper so you have to go deep into yourself and get to what the real issue is. Its called junk food for a reason! This food has absolutely no nutritionist value all empty calories. So have a journal and write all the goals you have in mind for this year, 6 months from now, 3 months from now, 1 month from now, 1 week from now. Write what it is that is making you unhappy at this point in your life. If you could have a perfect day what would that look like? This will become your goal. Educate yourself on how you can make all this happen. One of the best advice I was ever given was simply to get rid of any negative people in my life. Guess who was the most negative person in my life? ME!!! You gotta believe in yourself and feel the power of change move you. You gotta encourage and cheer yourself up everyday! Thats the very first step! Next step is action! You have the vision but you gotta move it girlfriend! Always look at your goal! Have your goals written in a place where you can see it in your daily routine. Mine is placed on the refrigerator.
Life is truly beautiful and now that you are moms, life has a different meaning. You are just like oh my goodness how on earth did i make the most perfect little human being! You may think that what is most important now is putting your child first. Which you absolutely should! What I have learned as a mom is that the meaning of putting your child first has many meanings for people. Im putting my child first by showing her how happy her mom feels when she cooks and eats healthy. We as parents have to show them love and make sure they feel safe. If you neglect yourself your child will see a depressed unhappy person. We all carry energy, and that energy is powered by our daily thoughts and what we eat. So what needs to come first is what you are eating. You will feel more energized happier and therefore will be an amazing mom! You also have to look at the bigger picture of how now you are a role model. You're decisions will not only shape you but are shaping your childs way of thinking. When ever you feel weak and feel like binging think of your little one. What would you tell her/him if he were in your same situation? You would say this is just a craving, it is not healthy and you are stronger then this, I believe in you. Those little victories of choosing not to binge and instead drinking a glass of water and going for a run will make you lethal!! You are becoming stronger with each time you decline binging. You are breaking that prison slowly but surely. You soon will be free.
esta bien buena