So you went to the grocery store, you took a picture of your now colorful refrigerator - which is now full of only veggies, fruits, and lean proteins. Heck you even took your "before" picture and posted it on Instragram to really hold yourself accountable! #underconstruction #illbereadyforsummer #gymflow!! You hit the gym! You are sore, but you don’t give up. You fight temptations at work and you really start hating on that co-worker that brings in the donuts! Like, really?! You know I’m on a diet, girl! But you did it! The first week you managed to stay consistent and you finally step on the scale and see progress!! You can’t wait for your "cheat meal” because you are sick and tired of all these salads and tasteless foods! You daydream about that fudge chocolate and how it’s going to slowly melt in your mouth, and you’ll enjoy every bite . Its here, finally here, your epic cheat meal! As a matter of fact, you take a pictures of it and proceed to go hashtag crazy! #RIPchocalateshake #iwillmurderthis #itsabouttogodown #thisiseverything
You then realize this food is so delicious that maybe you should make it a cheat day... Tomorrow you will go back to the grind. You will do extra cardio for the extra thousands of calories you just consumed. Unfortunately, tomorrow comes and you skip the gym, and the coworker you hated the week before who brought all those donuts just became your best friend! Because, you know, you had a rough morning and a donut will solve all of your problems. That sweet, sweet sugar is like heaven in your mouth. You get busy so you don’t prep your meals, and you don’t have time to cook so here you are at a drive-thru. By the end of the week, you are at square one again. You gain all the weight back and you feel discouraged. You google "embracing your curves" and that sort of made you feel better. But deep down, you aren’t happy because you know you failed. You gave in and you are nowhere ready for bikini season! You ask yourself, “Why can’t I control that part of me that can simply just say ‘no' to processed foods?" The answer to that is that you do not have a strong connection with your mind and your body.
The very first steps to starting a new, healthy you aren't setting up a food plan! It actuallly starts with you realizing that you have a body that your mind has to communicate with. We live in an environment where, unfortunately, we are addicted to processed sugars. Our bodies now crave it and have to learn to function without it - even if its pretty much poison for us. So here are some easy tips that have helped me tremodesly to stay committed to staying fit and healthy!
Tip #1 Meditaiton: This is simply waking up in the morning, going to a place where it’s quiet and you can feel at peace. Simply breath. You are starting to be aware of your body. Your mind is in control, not your body. You feel a sense of well-being and happiness. Tell yourself that today is a new day, your body is the greatest machine ever made, and that today you will only fuel it with supreme fuel!
Meditate daily! Watch how slowly-but-surely your are reprograming your brain to know that your mind is in control; Your body will listen to your mind, and your mind is determined to eat healthier.
Tip #3 Read: There are many resources that talk about this subject that get more detailed and are so interesting. Undestanding how our body works is going to be your best tool for any type of change you want to make. I recommend the book "Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul" by Deepak Chopra. You discover what an amazing being you are! You discover how, for the longest time, you walked around not having any connection with your body and mind and now understand why you will always fail on your attempts to eat healthier. It’s so much deeper than you will ever imagine, yet it is so simple to do once you recode your way of thinking.
Tip#4 Look at the Big Picture: When meditating every morning think of what your goals are. Make sure to have a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve. This is another excersise that will not only help you with your eating habits, but it will also help with your overall self. Staying committed to something much bigger than instant gratification will get you far! You, again, are unconsciously sending different thinking waves to your brain. You are coding your brain to feel a sense of reward for saying “no" to temptations and therefore building a stronger self control. You will smile when you say “no" to sugar and make yourself a nutritious smoothie instead! Take that moment when you decided to pick a healthier alternative and really let it soak in! Tell yourself how amazing it is that your are picking the right elite fuel for your jedi like body! Tell your body that you are happy that you made that choice! Focus on the positive of staying on track!
Life is a beautiful and the wonders our bodies can do are out of this world. When the mind is the captain of this amazing machine, you can travel anywhere and be limitless. Start today!
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